FSH receives a postcard from Megan & her adopted daughter Zoe…

FSH receives a postcard from Megan & her adopted daughter Zoe…

We were extremely impressed to receive a postcard from our high class mare Megan (Prime Thyme) and her foal Zoe who she adopted after the loss of her own foal F. Primitive Glory. We would like to thank Zoe’s owner Sarah for posting it for them….

“YO Jules! ZO-Lo ‘ere! Thought I’d send you a pic of me in the Future Sports Horses Baseball cap – it was very kind of you to send me one. I wanna get some trainers now to go wiv it, some well blingy ones innit!  I need ’em cos I is well clever an’ I jumped the fence into the garden this week. Mum was very cross as I took some of the hair of my leg but I fink it looks well cool. Fank you, love, Zo x x

Dear Julia, We are having a lovely time in Suffolk now the weather has improved.  I am a little concerned that the other guests here are a bad influence on little Zoe as she has acquired a strange accent and most peculiar tastes. Princess Phoebe went to the spa yesterday for a mud wrap and was telling Zoe and I all aboout it, do you think I should mention that she is supposed to wash it off as she is completely caked still!  Poor dear, she is losing her mind at her age.  The Irish girl here seems to have a constant flow of boyfriends coming in and out – talk about playing the field!   I plan to settle down for the afternoon to read my original edition of Pride and Prejudice that I found in a local book shop, and hope that Zoe doesn’t topple over the fence again. Children!!

Much love, Megan x x”

Zoe (!):



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